Life Coaching


The holistic life coaching helps people recover their potentials. It increases mindfulness and empowers people to live a rewarding life. Through a holistic approach, a holistic life coach attempts to develop different aspects of the being (body/mind/spirit), and provides counseling and coaching for mindful, peaceful living.

People usually live their lives in an unconscious manner based on preconceptions – old programming and old conditioning. They follow the same patterns with the same behaviors and continue to have the same unpleasant experiences. The holistic life coaching helps people change their habits, thinking and behavior, as necessary.

Almost anyone can benefit from holistic life coaching. People that suffer from relationship issues, financial issues, emotional issues, health issues, depression, anxiety, etc., can benefit from holistic life coaching. As a Health Psychologist and Holistic Life Coach, I strive to address all aspects of the being: body, mind and spirit, and help you:

  • Become clear about your wants and needs
  • Overcome barriers and limiting beliefs
  • Experience emotional healing
  • Improve your relationships, resolve conflicts, and set boundaries
  • Set goals and achieve them


Mindfulness & Meditation


Mindfulness is being aware of your surroundings and what you’re sensing and feeling in the moment.
There are numerous studies showing the benefits of mindfulness for:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Managing stress
  • Reducing depressive symptoms
  • Enhancing general health
  • Improving focus and learning
  • Improving sleep

Meditation is an ancient tradition that’s still widely practiced to create a sense of calm and inner harmony. Meditation is about altering consciousness, finding awareness, and achieving peace.

There are nine popular meditation types, and I integrate many of them into my practice:

  • Mindfulness meditation
  • Spiritual meditation
  • Focused meditation
  • Movement meditation
  • Mantra meditation
  • Transcendental meditation
  • Progressive relaxation
  • Loving-kindness meditation
  • Visualization meditation


Stress Management


More than ever stress and anxiety are present in our lives. Life challenges are inevitable, however, our reaction to them can be adjusted to minimize the detrimental effects of the consequent stress. There are many studies indicating the negative effect of stress on body, mind, and spirit.

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, stress is responsible for up to 90% of all diseases. There is currently a pandemic of mental health issues as a result of unmanaged stress, especially anxiety and depression which could lead to unhealthy coping behaviors and addictions.

A holistic approach will be used in my practice in order to address each individual’s need for stress management. These methods may include spiritual practices and prayers, energy healing, breathwork, movements, meditation, and guided imagery. Through this holistic approach, I offer both short-term and long-term stress management techniques so you can manage your stress more effectively.


Holistic End-of-life Care


The end-of-life care helps or soothes a person who is dying and is an essential part of medical care at the end of life. This type of care attempts to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible and improves quality of life while respecting the wishes of the dying person.

As a palliative care nurse practitioner with over 17 years of experience, death doula, holistic life coach and energy healer, I help to make the transition from this earthly realm a holy and sacred journey. Through a holistic approach, the portal to the heavenly realm becomes welcoming to the dying person.


Grief Support


Grief is created as a reaction to loss, and individual experiences of grief are influenced by the nature of the loss. For instance, loss might include the death of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, job loss, loss of independence through disability, etc.

As a certified grief recovery specialist with a holistic approach, I help to bring inner peace and healing to one’s soul. The holistic approach may include energy balancing, gentle yoga and breath work to allow the energy of grief being released from the body and mind.